Save the date: Annual European Rheology Conference 2025 (Lyon)
Save the date!
After this year's edition, yet to come in April in Leeds, next Annual European Rheology Conference will take place in Lyon, from April 14th to April 17th 2025.
The event will be coupled to the 59th anniversary of the GFR national congress.
We look forward to meeting you there for great scientific exchanges.
Adverstisement of the Annual European Rheology Conference 2021
Dear fellow rheologist,
The European Society of Rheology is happy to announce that the abstract submission for the Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2021) is open now. AERC 2021 will be held in Cyberspace during April 13-14, 2021 and is organized by a pan-European committee.
Deadline for submission is January 15, 2021 for both oral and poster contributions. The submission web-site can be found at:
Please save the dates of April 13-14, 2021 and visit AERC 2021’s web-site for more information directly at
Best regards, peter fischer
Prof. Peter Fischer
President of the ESR
ETH Zurich
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Weissenberg Award 2017
L'European Society of Rheology vient d'annoncer le lauréat du prix Weissenberg 2017 : il s'agit de Philippe Coussot, du Laboratoire Navier (Université Paris-Est, Ecole des Ponts, IFSTTAR, CNRS).
Rendez-vous à Copenhague pour l'AERC 2017 et la remise de ce prix prestigieux.