JJR 2022

Les Journées des Jeunes Rhéologues se tiendront pendant trois jours, du 22 au 24 juin 2022, à l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale à Brest, dans les locaux de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines Victor Ségalen. Elles sont ouvertes aux membres et non membres de l’association du GFR.

Ce congrès permet à des doctorants et post-doctorants de présenter, sous forme de communications orales, les résultats de leurs travaux récents dans tous les domaines de la rhéologie. Cinq chercheurs ayant apporté une contribution originale à la rhéologie sont invités à donner une conférence plénière.



Tue Mar 8 13:53:36 2022 - Permalien - - https://jjr2022.legfr.fr/

Adverstisement of the Annual European Rheology Conference 2021

Dear fellow rheologist,

The European Society of Rheology is happy to announce that the abstract submission for the Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2021) is open now. AERC 2021 will be held in Cyberspace during April 13-14, 2021 and is organized by a pan-European committee.

Deadline for submission is January 15, 2021 for both oral and poster contributions. The submission web-site can be found at: https://www.rheology.org/aercabst/

Please save the dates of April 13-14, 2021 and visit AERC 2021’s web-site for more information directly at https://nordicrheologysociety.org/Home/Nrc/4

Best regards, peter fischer

Prof. Peter Fischer
President of the ESR
ETH Zurich
8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Tue Dec 8 08:08:26 2020 - Permalien - - http://legfr.fr:80/site/actus/?jG2lvA

Note: ICR 2020 - some new information

Dear fellow Rheologists,

As you may already know, the 18th International Congress on Rheology (http://icr2020.com) will be held virtually in December 2020.

Some important information:

• It will start with two short courses, one on Saturday 12 December and the other on Sunday 13 December, and then a rich technical program will follow, from Monday 14 thru Friday 18.

• ICR 2020 will be partnering with The Society of Rheology for the presentation of the 2020 Bingham Medal to Ole Hassager and 2020 Metzner award to Arezoo M. Ardekani. The Bingham Medal plenary lecture and Metzner keynote lecture will be presented as part of the technical program.

• The 2019 Walters Award will be presented to Manuel Alves and Francisco Pimenta at ICR 2020. An award lecture will be included as part of the technical program.

Important dates:

  • Registration opens: 15 September
  • Deadline for abstract submissions and changes (oral and poster presentations): 20 September
  • Notification of acceptance: 01 October
  • Deadline for submission to the Gallery of Photos Contest: 01 November
  • Deadline for registration of speakers (oral and poster): 01 November
  • Conference program available: 30 November
  • Registration ends: 08 December

Registration fees:

  • Full: R$ 850 (~ US$ 150)
  • Students: R$ 340 (~ US$ 60)
  • Short Courses: R$ 850 (~ US$ 150) per course

We look forward to your participation in ICR 2020!

Best regards,

The ICR 2020 Organizing Committee

Wed Sep 23 15:06:17 2020 - Permalien - - http://legfr.fr:80/site/actus/?vbBSQA

[REPORT 2021] Journées des jeunes rhéologues 2021/Young Rheologists Days 2021

With a support of the European Society of rheology (ESR) and the French Group of Rheology (GFR), we are organizing the Young Rheologists Days 2021/”Journées des jeunes rhéologues 2021” (JJR 2021) which will be held at Giron (Jura, France), March 9-12 2021. The main focus of this conference is to establish a discussion forum for the community of engineers and scientists in the rheology field. We aim at giving, for the first time, a more international dimension to our meeting, thanks to the privileged location of Giron. Indeed, rheologists from universities, research centers or industry will be able to report on the most recent advances in the field. It is our belief that this conference would benefit from expanding to (i) bordering countries such as Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain and (ii) other countries over Europe and Africa and Asia .....


Mon Jan 6 11:44:59 2020 - Permalien - - https://jjr2020.sciencesconf.org/

Home | International Soft Matter Conference

The 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019) will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom from 3-7 June 2019.
The Organisers are looking forward to welcoming you to this Conference, held under the auspices of the SoftComp Network of Excellence (external link).

Confirmed Plenary Speakers include:

  • Lydéric Bocquet (CNRS, ENS, Paris): ‘Flow and rheology at ultimate scales’
  • Luca Cipelletti (University of Montpellier): ‘Why soft solids fail’
  • Stephen L Craig (Duke University): ‘Macromolecular Mechanochemistry’
  • Kohzo Ito (University of Tokyo): ‘Tough topological polymers and their applications to energy-efficient vehicles and medicine’
  • Cait MacPhee (University of Edinburgh): 'Biofilms: What’s in it for Soft Matter?'
  • Susan Perkin (University of Oxford): ‘A Cabinet of Curiosities: Stories of Electrostatics in Soft Matter’
  • Sriram Ramaswamy (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru): 'Fast, Elastic, Defective, Active Matter'

There will be 10 scientific sessions:

  • Active Soft Matter (Keynotes: Hartmut Löwen, Dusseldorf; Eric Clément, ESPCI, Paris)
  • Arrested Soft Matter
  • Colloidal and Granular Soft Matter (Keynotes: Joris Sprakel, Wageningen)
  • Interfacial Soft Matter
  • Living Soft Matter (Keynotes: Eric Dufresne, ETH, Zürich)
  • Stressed Soft Matter
  • Polymeric Soft Matter (Keynotes: Friederike Schmid, Mainz)
  • Making and Measuring Soft Matter
  • Processing Soft Matter (Keynotes: Guillaume Ovarlez, Solvay, Bordeaux)
  • Self-assembled Soft Matter

Registration Opens 3 June, Morning
Scientific Programme Starts 3 June, 2pm
Opening Social Reception 3 June, Evening
Conference closes (with lunch) 7 June, 12:30pm

Sat Jan 26 13:25:40 2019 - Permalien - - https://www.ismc2019.ed.ac.uk/

NRC 2019 - NRS

Nordic Rheology Conference
Gothenburg, August 21-23, 2019
The conference covers all aspects and areas of rheology. Industrial case studies and academic research papers are both welcome. The aim is to bring together and enhance the exchange of knowledge between researchers, users, application specialists and instrumentation manufacturers in Nordic countries and beyond.

The NRC2019 highlights the rheology of cellulose systems relating to the use in polymer composites, coatings, paper, pulp, pharmaceuticals, food, etc. The pulp and paper industry is important in the Nordic countries and special attention will therefore be given to this field. Other subjects of special interest for NRC2019 include food, polymeric materials and bio-applications.

Tue Dec 11 08:31:23 2018 - Permalien - - https://nordicrheologysociety.org/Home/Nrc

Congrès Français de Mécanique 2019, Brest

Chers collègues, Chers amis,
L'édition 2019 du Congrès Français de Mécanique, organisée par l'Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL, UMR CNRS 6027) et tous ses partenaires bretons, se tiendra à Brest sur le site de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), du lundi 26 au vendredi 30 août 2019.
Ce rassemblement biennal d'acteurs académiques et industriels est l'occasion majeure d'échanger tant sur les récentes avancées théoriques, numériques, expérimentales que sur les dernières applications industrielles.
Le CFM 2019 couvrira l'ensemble des domaines de la Mécanique (37 sessions, 4 mini-symposiums et 5 évènements associés) et s'intéressera en particulier à la thématique "Mécanique et la Mer : les enjeux scientifiques et technologiques".
N'hésitez pas à consulter la page web du congrès : https://cfm2019.sciencesconf.org
Le flyer est disponible sur le lien suivant : https://cfm2019.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/FLYER_CFM_Brest_2019.pdf
L'envoi des résumés est ouvert et possible jusqu'au 15 janvier 2019 sur https://cfm2019.sciencesconf.org/page/instructions_auteurs

Dans l'attente de vous accueillir nombreux à Brest.
Le comité d'organisation du CFM 2019

Fri Nov 23 17:19:41 2018 - Permalien - - http://

Fluids & Complexity conference, Nice, 5-7 december 2018

The conference, which will take place in Nice from 5th to 7th of December 2018, is organized by the Université Côte d'Azur and covers a wide range of topics related to fluid mechanics and soft matter physics:
Hydrodynamic Turbulence, Magneto-Hydrodynamics, Geophysics, Quantum Turbulence, Astrophysics ;
Dynamical Systems, Statistical Fluid Mechanics ;
Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Numerical Methods, High Performance Computing ;
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Granular Matter, Suspensions ;
Biofluidics, Active Matter ;
Microfluidics, Drops and Capillarity.

Invited Speakers
Freddy Bouchet - Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon
Marc Brachet - Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ENS Paris
Bérengère Dubrulle - Institut Rayonnement-Matière, CEA Saclay
Yoël Forterre - Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels, Aix-Marseille Université
Sergei Kuksin - Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Sorbonne Université
David Quéré - Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes, ESPCI Paris
Salima Rafaï - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, Université Grenoble Alpes
Patrick Tabeling - Microfluidique-MEMs-Nanostructures, ESPCI Paris

Conference fees
Registration to the conference is free.
A limited number of free accommodations will be available for young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) on a first-come-first-served basis.

Thu Sep 27 19:29:22 2018 - Permalien - - https://fluidcomplexity.sciencesconf.org/

Vidéos : prix Maurice Couette et prix de thèse 2017

Pour revivre ou découvrir les présentations de Guillaume Ovarlez (prix Maurice Couette) et Anselmo Pereira (prix de thèse) lors du congrès du GFR 2017 à Nice, n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur les liens ci-dessous !
Guillaume Ovarlez : https://partage.legfr.social/index.php/s/ug25vSvEfExKacE
Anselmo Pereira : https://partage.legfr.social/index.php/s/3jcIBF3IMVQUqD2
Le programme de l’événement est toujours disponible sur http://2017.legfr.fr .

Mon Nov 27 15:04:29 2017 - Permalien - - http://legfr.fr:80/site/actus/?VcQAow

Conférence Powders & Grains

Since 1989, the Powders and Grains Conference is held every four years with the goal of providing an up-to-date picture of the broad research field of powders, grains, and granular media. Based on the topics covered in previous conferences, and considering key emerging areas, the conference themes include granular solids, granular flows, granular gas, constitutive modeling, particle properties, cohesive materials, and applications to geomaterials and constructions, biomaterials and life-sciences, soil-root/plant interactions, reactive powders, geological scale modeling, pharmaceuticals, nano-granular materials, granular suspensions and colloids. Granular-related abstracts on all above research themes are welcome.

alt text

Fri Oct 21 08:09:36 2016 - Permalien - - http://www.pg2017.org/en/

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